Wednesday, April 22, 2020

MJ709 HTML Formula.

Yusni Tria Yunda. 

Yusni Tria Yunda [ 📝💊📝📚].

Trans_Saksi token dari:
https://sumber url

Isu Éssai  


Methode pre_assumpt in_during and hope after this condition of Working From Home [WFH] managerialism.

Starting some jobs today, such this steps of;

1. Looking for my older posts in some blogspot I've collected since almost 1 years left, and I found some conceipt in 2 (two) blogs of mine: , , and .

2. When I relized that Bismi, is the name of my nephew, who had gave me a change to got my execution in rojam [rajam] punishment in 2017, as The Executor he didn't took anything from me as some rogroll payment, just only a good intended of him to his uncle who in verry pitty condition in that time 'cause some zinaa's efect.

3. Main Fixed_Variable》argues:

'Cause may be still many people of my peoples ethnical [Acéh] asking the balance accounting method to justice able with the others doers: this about The Case of My Old_Sister: [The Mother of Bismi Ramadana].

4. Free 1st of Other Fixed_Variable:

I'm remember too to my other nephew: Mutiara, which her Father ever got the same case of zinaa with my young_sister: , but today had been clear, and it is on_keep [O.K].

5. An argues to manage chronologicals:

The history: in 2008/2009, me and my little batih family [my 1st wife, my son: Abang Zihni, and my daughter: ] had a business produce and trading snack food with consignation system, under the name: Moy&d'Banx, with detail that "Moy" is a nick_name of Arika, and "Banx" is a nick_name of 'Abang' Zihni.

6. The Progresses of Back_Grounded History:

Time left, after the non_medical method to cure Irma, her 1st ex_husband, and continuing the broken nasab of Mutiara [Irma's 1st daughter with Agus, an origin of Bantenic civilize], I took a convinience with both of my children, in 2018/2019: that Moy&d'Banx will decided for Mutia On Yusni ["Moy"], and as the consequence?: Arika has to hijrah to another managerial plann of weblog I've and will concentrate next: , a blog which she and the mothernal young_sister of Mutiara: Chelsea, will taking a seatle virtual place from me as their parent, beside their father, step father, and their grand_father: Mr..

7. Synapsys To Core_Él_ate.

Back to my old_sister: Zaitun, I have an information from my Fb's Friend: Maddam , that Universitas Pendidikan Indonésia [UPI] is opening a new registry for a new college student during last month until present, on the levels of Magister and Master.

8. Pure_poses and The Hopes:

Me?: interesting to 2 (two) of programme: History Education, and Management, both of them served in Postgraduate School in UPI. So?: I register my self to those programme. I took both of them, 'cause I'm thinking that I will need those both knowledge and science will given, which must be help us to focus in order to solve our problem, especially: my sister's brothers as the refering our father responsibilities until all people who still had any objection to her case solution are understand the roles of education in every case are not just only to punish, like a laws dicipline studying programme, but more over rather: have to making somethings better than before, to giving by us for The Peoples whose may be needing the method nor its process, beside the true historical scene, of course.

9. The Problems Before Time Relized:

Another importance things I'm minding, is: may be todays my company: named CV.Nata Laba, still has a debt of work to The UPI's Museum?, it 'cause I was knew in 2015, that The 2nd Director of Nata Laba: Mr., had got some agreement with The Partition of UPI's Museum to selling a development informatical programme to using there [in UPI].

10. The Problems and Optimistycal Factors Emerged During Time Relized:

And since the end of 2015 until early 2020, my communication with Mr.Bagja Gumelar was not in good intensities. Just in the 2 days last he was contacted my messanger, asking about my another activities except learning coding of HTML.

I'm not answered to Mr.Bagja that my activity of learn html formulas since 1 years least, was 'caused by my relizing of another responsibilities that the nearest 'cases with My Older Sister: Zaitun, nor My Younger Sister: Irma. I'm trying to taking an objectical way, 'cause this informatical stimuluses of my began learn was started when I had registered two of Mr.Bagja's Big_Cousin_Brothers: Mr.Ganjar, and Mr.Irvan, 'cause the same zinaa 'case, with theirs unique pattern each other. And their three of brother_hoods: Mr.Ganjar, Mr.Irvan, and Mr.Bagja, are the same in dicipline of science and knowledge: Informatic Tech.

I felt alone in certain many times last, 'cause the cases those The People look like didn't have any transparently solutions in publicate, when a part of The People needing the exactly answered and real action to solve it. But I didn't give up to learn and managing it all in mine, and certain relations of my friendshipness who has the certificate to taking 'case about it, such as Traditionaly Medicine teams.

The result?: was good. One of my nephew: Nabila, had been in rope again in nasab with her biologist father: Mr.Irvan. Alhamdulillaah.

For a thesys planning in History Education which I've sent pre_assumpt, I think will need The Management approaches, nor theories, as The Trans_Diciplinary Technical, nor as Inter_Diciplinary Method, according the projection of the percentage using between those two of sciences diciplinaries; which is the dominated beyond the certain cases?, which is the under_escalation beyond another certain cases?, those will answered the using percentage of the kind optimally knowledges.

Event, if there are needing any samples of the same zinaa's cases with any variants and its patterns, in order to comparing to the main variable cases, my other friend: Syech Mochammad Yusuf could be taking here.

Those are why, I'm directing to trying practice this plann, with the BACKGROUND's structure, in bottom:

Ware House: [This Weblog] , as my [The Writer(+'s)] house, and the Ware House to manage these all plann:
1st Partition:


Repeat The 1st Partition/Sub_1st Partition: Éxample:
Producer/Factory's Posts, nor = 1st Partition:


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